Crafty Weekend

It’s very rare for me to schedule 2 personal events in one weekend. I signed up for a resin jewelry class at Little Bird Creations months ago and was really looking forward to that. Then when I found out Dyan Reaveley was teaching at a LSS on Long Island, I had to go to one of her classes! I decided on the collage workshop since I find that to be my biggest weakness and that was on a Friday afternoon. My hubby reluctantly agreed to take the day off work so he can pick Sienna up from school. Well, poor Sienna picked up a stomach virus from school and threw up Thursday night after she had gone to bed (at 7:30! should have known something was up!) She proceeded to wake up numerous times throughout the night to throw up or almost throw up. Needless to say, sleep was not on my side. I considered canceling on the class but it’s not cheap and thankfully, Yves was going to be home. Really no point in canceling, he can handle it. Off I went in the morning trying not to worry about my family!
Well, Dyan is a hoot!! We got a brand new Dylusions journal as part of the class. Knowing that most people are afraid of messing up their brand new journal, she had us rip out a page at the seam. EEK! Then rip out another page at the seam! YIKES! Then rip out half of a page! Then pick a spray ink and spritz it on a random page! Then spritz a random page on our neighbor’s journal! Well, now the journal wasn’t brand new anymore! We started doing some backgrounds, techniques I’ve done at Little Bird but still neat to do with it’s creator!

We started looking for some images in a magazine and once we picked something out, we had to give it to the person across from us! Aack! LOL! Basically, she was reiterating that it wasn’t about the end result but the process of doing the journaling. Here’s what I came up with:
This page isn’t complete and I added a few more details to it since then but Dyan didn’t want us to finish the page as she wanted to teach us other techniques. We did some doodling on images from magazines and also some more collage work using color copies of cut up collages she had done. Did not take any photos of these pages but perhaps I will show some in a future post.

On Sunday, I head up to the Upper West Side for an all day resin jewelry class with Isolina Perez at Little Bird Creations. I was really excited for this! I’ve done some resin before but not much. I was also excited to try Crystal Clay and Resin Klay.
We did the resin first since it would take the longest to cure (3 days!) Picking out images to use was the longest process! Next was Crystal Clay, I think that takes 24 hours to cure and we stamped into it embedded swarovski crystals into it. The last thing was transfering an image into Resin Klay and we had to work fast for that one, since it only took 7 minutes to cure! We got to do some metal stamping and banging texture into copper to add to the resin klay. That was a lot of fun!
Here are how my pieces looked after class:
Here’s what I did with some afterwards (thanks to fellow classmate, Eileen, for posting her finished pieces and motivating me to finish mine! I tend to procrastinate!)
These images are postage stamps from Belgium! I’m not sure who the guy is but I liked the pink! The hearts were earrings from Isolina’s stash. I added some crystal dangles and made ear wires with crystal to match. This could probably use another layer of resin. Maybe I’ll add some one day!
I tried to do a bit of layering with these. I think the star was also an earring. For the owl, I tried to keep the glitter contained to the edges but it spread. I’m ok with it, tho!
The last of my resin pieces. The purple piece is a bead and maybe one day I will turn it into a charm and make a matching necklace for the earrings. This definitely needs more resin! The square piece was just some glass glitter and red glitter and I popped a crystal in the middle. Not sure what I will do with this!
This is using the Crystal Clay. I have to be honest, when I first saw Crystal Clay on the market, I wasn’t really impressed. It’s not my thing and after working with it, I did not change my mind. Maybe the problem is, it needs more crystals! Here are 2 more. The one on the right is stamped. Again, I think it needs more crystals!
And finally, here is the piece with the Resin Klay. This was my favorite after the resin. I hadn’t done image transfers in awhile and this reminded me of how much I enjoy it. I also had a lot of fun adding texture to the copper! At home, I had to file the edges of the clay and I added some vintage photo distress ink on the edges. I wish I added more. You can hardly tell! Anyway, I then glued it to the copper and added a bead dangle. I plan on doing more of these!!
All in all, a very fun and creative weekend even if my mind wasn’t always fully there in the classes. I felt bad that Yves picked up what Sienna had and stayed home from work on Monday and Tuesday! Sienna went back to school on Tuesday. I’m happy to report that everyone is back to their happy selves again! Yay!

Sienna turns 6!

Well, she turned 6 on March 12. We didn’t throw a big party for her, like we did last year, because we bought her a loft bed instead. We went to the showroom at the end of January at Bedroom Source. It came the Saturday before her birthday! She loves it!

We had a birthday celebration at school and that was her party. It was a half day due to Parent/Teacher meetings so we came during her lunch (which is at 10:30!) and brought pizza (reheated from last night since no pizzeria is open at 10:30) and ice cream cones. Yves took off from work and came too.
Here’s a quick video of the class singing to her. Of course, I wasn’t ready so I missed the beginning! Password is bday.


Posing with her teacher.

She was a very good helper the night before with the goody bags for her class. She had filled them herself and here she is applying tape to the back of the tags for me. I made the tags with my Silhouette Cameo. I also made her shirt with the Cameo!

And since her birthday was on a half day of school, we took her buddies to see the movie Escape From Planet Earth. We also went to the movies last year (and saw The Lorax.)

Since I knew she was having a school celebration, we did the family celebration on Sunday. My dad asked her what kind of cake she wanted and she requested cheesecake! I wasn’t expecting that! Of course, they got it at the Chinese Bakery and they had it decorated all fancy. Never saw a cheesecake like that!

My parents bought her an EZyroller. Sienna had seen it last week when we went to visit Tammy and her clan. Zack has one in blue and Sienna kept riding it so we thought it would be a great thing to ask for for her birthday from Grandpa and Grandma!
Don’t let the look on her face fool you! It’s really easy to ride, I was just taking a gazillion photos of her and she was getting annoyed. Paparazzi!

Sky’s the Limit!

The Sky is the limit!
On February 1st, Sienna was in a school “play!” Her class and another class combined to sing songs with sky themes and the play was called “The Sky’s the Limit.” Yves took off so he could attend. Sienna had 2 lines before the Planet Rap song. The password for this video is planets.


I didn’t have a proper video camera so used a combination of my point and shoot (with a small storage card in it so it filled up fast!), my smaller point and shoot and my iphone. Of course the quality on the bigger point and shoot is better but that one filled up fast. I managed to get video of Here Comes the Sun (when I heard they were doing this, I got all excited because it’s a real song as opposed to a kids song even tho it wasn’t the actual Beatles version played.) Password for this video is thesun.

uploadWe gave flowers to Miss Cregg, their teacher. That’s Emma on the left and Isabella on the right.

Got it while it was good

Sienna was out sick from school all week. Turns out she had the flu even tho she got a shot. She woke up with a fever 4:30 in the morning on MLK day. I gave her some ibuprofen, her fever went away and she was back to her normal self. Goofy and silly! I was ready for her to proceed to a normal school week, her body was not! She woke up with a fever 3:30 in the morning on Tuesday. Yves wanted me to call the doctor, I kinda poo poo’d it at first but then just ended up bringing her in anyway. Good thing I did as she tested positive for flu! Well, long story short, she had been taking Tamiflu (hates it) and is a lot better. I hated that I needed to give her separate meds for her fever and then when she started getting stuffy and coughing, separate meds for that! I guess if all weeks, she picked a good week to be sick, it’s been in the teens all week (and it snowed a bit today!)
Anyway, the main reason for this post us that I’m happy I was able to have 2 date nights last weekend! Friday with Yves for Indian food at Panna II. (Photos from my Iphone and posted via my Iphone!)


Saturday with Joy! First we went to get massages on Mott St. and dinner at Shanghai Cafe Deluxe.




And a stop at Sugar Sweet Sunshine! I was too full to eat a cupcake so I bought some home.



Happy 2013


We spent the first day of the New Year at our dear friend’s house, Starr and Brian. Brian made a traditional Southern New Year’s meal. Black eyed peas for luck, cornbread for lots of gold and collard greens for lots of green money! Starr managed to get Sienna to try each item because you want luck in the new year, right? We bought over donuts from Leske’s Bakery because anything round is also lucky to eat, supposedly!

I forgot my camera so I didn’t take many photos as I was using the iphone. Sienna plays very well with Sylvie and Nico but Sylvie’s best buddy from her class was over and according to Starr, she is quite possessive of Sylvie. I know all about that scenario! So being how Sienna is, she doesn’t assert herself into that situation and I don’t push. I’m trying to let her be true to her nature. I’m grateful when Maya comes over, she is in Nico’s class and whenever the 3 girls get together, they play amazingly well. And that is exactly what happened, the 3 of them all played together and no one was left out (Sylvie’s best buddy had left.) I have no ill will toward Sylvie’s best buddy but isn’t it amazing how just 1 person can change a dynamic?

DJ Nico!

Who needs fancy toys when you have a blanket, a pulley device and someone to pull?

MagicCarpet1MagicCarpet2MagicCarpet3 MagicCarpet4

Pillow fight! (So, why did we spend all this money on fancy toys for Christmas?!)


Moz At Radio City!

Last night was the Morrissey show at Radio City. I was so excited! I still had a bit of a cough from being sick (my nose congestion was gone) but a drink of Makers Mark and ginger ale helped curb the coughing for the most part. Is it bad to say I was thinking about whiskey for a few days? Alison and I missed the opener, Kristeen Young, but made Morrissey’s prompt start at 9pm. Here’s the setlist as taken from BrooklynVegan:

Last Night I Dreamt That Somebody Loved Me
You Have Killed Me
The Youngest Was The Most Loved
You’re The One For Me, Fatty
I’m Throwing My Arms Around Paris
Shoplifters Of The World Unite
Everyday Is Like Sunday
Ouija Board, Ouija Board
Black Cloud
Spring-Heeled Jim
People Are The Same Everywhere
Meat Is Murder
To Give (The Reason I Live)
Let Me Kiss You
I Know It’s Over
One Day Goodbye Will Be Farewell
I’m OK By Myself
Still Ill

 I’m glad he played some Smiths and a few from his earlier albums. There are still a few songs I wish he would play (International Playboys, Sister I’m a Poet) and I’m still disappointed with the one song encore. He’s done that before and I always forget, until he walks off stage after the one song. Damn him! He played for about 90 minutes. Surprisingly, the sound was not the best. Not sure what was up with that! Here are a few shots I took.

In case you can’t tell, that is Adam West and Burt Ward from the Batman TV series.
Overall, a good show but not one of the top Morrissey shows.

11 years!

11 years ago today, I got married to Yves in Las Vegas. Gosh, we look so young! I can’t believe it’s been 11 years! Anyway, I had wanted to celebrate with a date night to the movies and dinner. Last year we went to Morton’s but they have since closed that location and we heard that other locations weren’t as friendly. Well, we ended up not doing anything and I sit here now just happy that my little girl is well.

Last Wednesday, Sienna took a fall at the playground. She climbed up the side of the stairs (not very tall, about 4 feet), turned to jump off but instead tripped and fell right on her head! I was standing pretty close to her so I got to her pretty fast. It didn’t look too bad, just some scrapes, no oozing or anything but I’m sure it hurt a lot regardless. Once I got her home, she sat in my lap as I tried to comfort her. After a bit, she stopped crying and seemed to calm down and was starting to fall asleep. Crying could really wear you out! So somewhere in the back of my head I wondered about concussions. I have never been through anything like this so I didn’t know the symptoms but I (erroneously) thought that you shouldn’t let them fall asleep. So to keep her awake, I tried to bribe her with a popsicle (which she turned down! Gasp!) but she managed to agree to watch a show. While she did that, I quickly went on the computer to check on concussion symptoms. About midway through her show, she told me she felt like she felt like she wanted to throw up! Whoa! That’s one of the concussion symptoms! I quickly called her doctor, told him what happened and told him she fell on the side of her head. Which wasn’t true, she actually fell on the side of her forehead, which is what I meant to say but that didn’t come out. So he told me to take her to the emergency room just to make sure.

After freaking Yves out on the phone and him practically running home from the Kings Highway subway stop, off to the hospital we went. It took 2 hours from start to finish, she didn’t need a cat scan and the attending doctor made me feel very confident that she was ok. So at about 2 am, she woke us up to tell us her head hurt so I told her to come into bed with us. She was very warm. She ended up throwing up a few hours later so I kept her home from school on Thursday. To make a long story short, she went back to school on Friday (she was acting energetic and goofy that morning) but then felt feverish after school. I felt like she was generally ok because she didn’t want to go home and besides from a slight lack of energy, seemed to be herself. She still had a fever on Saturday so we took her to the doctor just to be sure. She just caught a virus and today was the first day she woke up without a headache and has been acting her goofy little self all day! But now I’m sick!! After we came back from the doctor, I really started feeling run down and feverish. I slept off the fever and now am just congested and a slight cough. I need to get over this fast because I have a date with Morrissey on Wednesday! Plus we need to reschedule our anniversary celebration!

Aunt Natalie Visits!

Yves’ Aunt Natalie did a mini East Coast tour and we were one of the stops! She spent last weekend with us and we did a mix of tourist and hipster things! Saturday we went back to Coney Island (we were just there the weekend before) and convinced Aunt Natalie to ride the Wonder Wheel with us. I can never get enough of that ride! She even agreed to go on the moving car (not that we really gave her a choice!) Before that ride, Sienna took her on her favorite roller coaster, the Sea Serpent. We took a little walk along the boardwalk and enjoyed the weather. It was much cooler than the last time.

On the Sea Serpent!

Wonder Wheel!

Walking along the Boardwalk

I felt like I was in The Birds!

On Sunday, we went to Smorgasburg in Dumbo. On Saturdays it’s in Williamsburg and I’ve been wanting to check it out for awhile. It’s basically a bunch of food vendors. They opened one up on Sundays a couple of weekends ago and took the opportunity to check it out! Aunt Natalie’s son, David, met us there. Lots of yummy food! I took photos of everything I ate but didn’t get Sienna’s fried shrimp (so good!), Yves’ schnitzel sandwich and lamb burger nor our drinks of fuji apple lemonade, cranberry lychee tea (like bubble tea but with lychee jelly on the bottom) and Sienna’s citrus watermelon slush.
Spicy Tuna taco from Takumi Taco
Stroopwafels from The Good Batch (the very reason I got interested in going!)
Duck and Pork Belly Steamed Buns from Bite Size Kitchen 
Maple Bacon on a stick. This was David’s, I didn’t eat it. From Landhaus
Goat Milk Ice Cream from King Leche Cremes. Aunt Nat’s chili chocolate on left and my caramelized onion on the right. Yes, I said caramelized onion! A bit too savory for my taste and I didn’t finish it, even after making everyone take a bite out of it. I should have tried the dill pickle one!
Sienna was loving this!
Sienna was either trying to wink or the sun was in her eyes! LOL

Aunt Natalie went up to Connecticut to stay with a friend for a few days but I saw her one final time before she left! On Wednesday, we went to Red Rooster up in Harlem. Her friend’s reggae band was playing there. And I literally almost bumped into Marcus Samuellson!! We were actually downstairs at Ginny’s, the supper club so while the band played, we sat and ate. I kinda liked that! We got the 5 spiced spare ribs (yum!), jerk veal tongue steamed buns (mmm) as apps and I got the catfish and grits entree. The band was fun!

I remembered to take a photo after I finished! The 3rd rib was on David’s plate!
The band! (I forgot the name!)

Coney Island!

My first post on the updated WordPress! (Means nothing to you but wanted to document the fact for myself!)

Anyhow, last Saturday we went to Coney Island to celebrate the anniversary of Syvlie’s birthday! She turned 4! We met them at Deno’s, the section of rides for the kids. They had lots of fun riding boats, spinning on dragons, a roller coaster, monster trucks, fighter jets and “hot air” balloons. After that we rode on the Wonder Wheel, played skee ball and had a beer on the boardwalk. All the kids rode back with us in the car to Starr and Brian’s house for dinner and cupcakes. Good times!

Sienna’s already learned how to cat call from a car! LOL

Starr bought these and I scanned them in. Look at my roller coaster fiend! And poor Sylvie!

I love this capture!

 Heading to the Wonder Wheel!

Starr didn’t want to go in the moving car so Brian kept her company.

Girls in the front!
Boys in the back!
The Boys checking out the beach
Do you see the bird on the dog?

First Day of K!

Yesterday was Sienna’s first day of Kindergarten! I can’t believe it!
First day of K!
I saw a popular thing around the internet with people taking photos of their kid’s first day and a sign of their grade. I had Sienna write the K and hold it up for me when we were leaving the house.
Her friend, Emma, is in class K102 with Miss Cregg as well so I’m glad she knows someone. There are about 3 other kids from her PreK class in there as well. The first day was only until 11:30 and they got served lunch before leaving. Sienna said she ate the roasted chicken, rice and chocolate milk. There will be days I’m going to pack her lunch as some of the menu items don’t really sound so healthy (uh, mozzarella sticks for lunch??).
Waiting in the auditorium with Emma
I took 2 photos like this, this one is the better of the 2.
The teacher had the kids draw a picture of them and whoever took them to school this morning. Then we would write a note on the drawing for them to see when they are feeling sad or scared in class. Looks like that boy in the red shirt is already tired!
Here’s Sienna’s drawing and my note. She loves when I sing that song to her so I thought it would be nice to write that on her drawing.

Today is the first full day of school!! I hope she is doing ok.

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