Skippy: in memoriam
My dear Skippy passed away 2 weeks ago. A week prior to that, he really started to show some signs. He wasn’t eating much and when he did, he threw it up. He was starting to get thinner. He had trouble walking up the stairs to the point where I started carrying him up and down. He didn’t want to go for walks. He didn’t even pay attention to Neo’s hairballs (which he previously would gobble up!) I knew something was wrong. The day before I took him to the vet, he started to do a sort of howling/yelping noise. The vet said that it was most likely kidney failure and he was dehydrated (he was drinking less and less water.) He gave me choices and I knew the best choice for him was to put him to sleep. He wasn’t in pain but I knew if he kept on, he would surely start to feel some pain. I was a mess at the vet’s office. I probably used a whole box of his tissues. They were going to do 2 injections, the first one puts him to sleep and the 2nd one does the job. I had the option to stay through the end or just to through the 1st injection. I opted for that because I knew I wouldn’t be able to handle staying to the end. He fell asleep in my arms as I held him in my lap for the last time. He has been in the family since he was a puppy and I have been taking care of him since 2005/2006 when he came to live with us. He was close to at least 15 or 16 years old. He’s at the Rainbow Bridge now.

This was sometime in 2000 in Queens, before he lived with us.

Skippy and his daughter Rozie (who also passed) probably in 2007.

On his way to Brooklyn, coming to live with us permantly!

July 2007

March 2007 at my baby shower!

2007, guarding Sienna!

dealing with the snow!

Wearing a Jamaica shirt.

Red Hoodie!

December 2013

Using Sienna’s bean bag chair! January 2014

Sienna reading to Skippy in January 2014

Carrying him downstairs with the laundry. Can you notice him? March 2014

One of the last photos I took of Skippy. April 2014