Happy 2013


We spent the first day of the New Year at our dear friend’s house, Starr and Brian. Brian made a traditional Southern New Year’s meal. Black eyed peas for luck, cornbread for lots of gold and collard greens for lots of green money! Starr managed to get Sienna to try each item because you want luck in the new year, right? We bought over donuts from Leske’s Bakery because anything round is also lucky to eat, supposedly!

I forgot my camera so I didn’t take many photos as I was using the iphone. Sienna plays very well with Sylvie and Nico but Sylvie’s best buddy from her class was over and according to Starr, she is quite possessive of Sylvie. I know all about that scenario! So being how Sienna is, she doesn’t assert herself into that situation and I don’t push. I’m trying to let her be true to her nature. I’m grateful when Maya comes over, she is in Nico’s class and whenever the 3 girls get together, they play amazingly well. And that is exactly what happened, the 3 of them all played together and no one was left out (Sylvie’s best buddy had left.) I have no ill will toward Sylvie’s best buddy but isn’t it amazing how just 1 person can change a dynamic?

DJ Nico!

Who needs fancy toys when you have a blanket, a pulley device and someone to pull?

MagicCarpet1MagicCarpet2MagicCarpet3 MagicCarpet4

Pillow fight! (So, why did we spend all this money on fancy toys for Christmas?!)


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