March, what a month!
What a great month March was for Sienna! Besides turning 7, she found out she made student of the month for February and her science project got into the fair! And that’s not all! After the fair was over, she came in 3rd place for her grade! She was very happy about that. Also in March was the show her class did for assembly (which she very much enjoyed doing, future on stage, perhaps?). It was called “Adventures in the Land of Video Games.” You can guess what it was about. It was really cute. I was able to get a really good copy of a video of the whole play from another parent.

Team Menou working on the science project!

Posing at the fair with her project.

Her 3rd place certificate and ribbon.

Everyone on stage! Her class and a kindergarten class.

With her first grade teacher. I tried to get her other best buddy in (Emily T) but she is shy.

Student of the month!

Grandpa got her a cheesecake per her request.

Vanilla cupcakes for her class party.

Goody Bags for her class party!

An ice cream cake to celebrate (again!) Starr’s birthday is the day before Sienna’s.

The cake, pre-blow.
Here’s a video of the family singing to Sienna. I love the big, huge smile on her face! Password is birthday.
Happy Birthday Sienna Family from Lisa on Vimeo.