A White Day After Christmas!

Before I post about Christmas, here are some photos from a little snow we got yesterday. 🙂 It started around 10 am on Sunday and was still going when I went to bed around 11:30pm! This is how it looked when we woke up this morning and went outside.
It’s very windy so there are a lot of snow drifts. See how lucky that tan car across the street is? The wind blew the snow in a way that made a snow free moat around his car! Not so lucky for that black car on our side of the street!


  1. jungy
    December 28th, 2010 | 1:57 pm

    Sienna must be loving all that snow…I know I did as a kid.

    I on the other hand woke up to have to dig myself out of my apt…the side alley had some deep drifts (like within your fence there). Took me about an hour and a half to dig to the sidewalk to be able to head into work.

  2. February 11th, 2011 | 8:22 pm

    […] Last month we took an overnight trip to the Crayola Factory. It can be done in one day but we decided it would be nice to get away (and into a hotel with an indoor swimming pool!) We originally were supposed to go during winter break but Mother Nature had other ideas. […]

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