First Day of School!
Today was Sienna’s first day of school. It was only for an hour. The teacher (Mrs. D.) has 18 kids in her class but for the first 2 days, she divides them up into 2 groups. Sienna was in the 2nd group. She showed some resistance and said she was scared but we managed to get her into the classroom without too much fruckus. She cried. I did not!! (Very proud of and surprised at myself) I was surprised when the teacher said I could stay in the classroom for a little bit, especially since she mentioned numerous times that we were to leave right away. She knew Sienna was going to take a little extra work plus she had a child in the first session that cried the whole time. I was pretty sure Sienna would not cry the whole time but I guess the teacher did not want to take that chance. The teacher had me stay for 45 minutes!! I honestly did not think that was necessary but whatever. Of course Sienna cried when I left but I saw the teacher picked her up. I came back 15 minutes later and was told she stopped when I left! SEE! I know she will be fine and it will take a little bit. I know because she did venture away from me several times to play. Tomorrow is another hour day and then starting Wednesday will be the whole 3 hours. Wish me luck!
EDIT TO ADD: 2nd day of school, no sign of tears whatsoever! That was FAST!
Here is Sienna posing with her flame backpack!
On the way across to school!
Tears inside 🙁
Venturing away!
In preparation for school, last night Sienna helped me make some new hair clips for her to wear to school. When I say she helped, that really means she kept herself busy with the extra hair doodads while I made the clips!
Here’s what I made, sorry the photo isn’t the best
I was rushing taking the photo because she wanted to put the clips in her hair! All of them!
Last night we also started a new tradition! Family game night! Me and Sienna had bought 2 board games. First we played Yahtzee Jr. with Mickey Mouse Clubhouse characters and then Chutes and Ladders (Yves was excited to play this one!)
Sienna won both games! 🙂
My thoughts were with you both yesterday morning and I was wondering how things were going. Seems things did not work out too badly. Usually when a parent leaves the child settles down. I do not think lingering is a good idea (for either person)..My little girl looks so smart in her school outfit. Looks comfortable. So sad to see the tears.. Don’t worry by the end of the week you’ll be lucky she even says goodbye to you !!
Congrats on the first day of school! Woo hoo! Sienna will have lots of fun once she gets used to it.
And Uncle Peeder totally wants to come for a family game night! : D
So cute!!! Yes the tears make my heart ache : ( Congrats on the first week of school!