Bronx Zoo!
We joined the Wildlife Conservation Society and went to the Bronx Zoo a couple of weeks ago. We didn’t even do the whole zoo and we were completely exhausted at the end of the day! Sienna fell asleep on the way home for just 40 minutes and her energy level went back up when we got home (ah, to be young!) We haven’t been to the zoo in about 6 years and I was a tad disappointed because I feel like we didn’t get as close a view as last time (see here and here) or maybe because I haven’t been taking photos as much I lost my touch!
I think these are gazelles but I can’t be sure!
“Melvin” (we were on the lookout for the Madagascar Movie animals)
I love the look she has here at the turtles
“King Julien”,”Maurice” and “Mort”
Climbing up the rope web
I think Sienna’s favorite part was the petting zoo!
She was having a conversation with the alpaca!
This chicken in the tree cracked me up!
Sienna big ears
When I tried to show Sienna this cool porcupine, she replied “We don’t have time to look at that”
I love the contrast of the bird with it’s neutral surroundings!
We saw these elephants on the Asia Monorail ride, something we saved for last because I thought it would be nice and relaxing while seeing a bunch of animals. Unfortunately, we didn’t get to see much. 🙁
I saved the bug carousel photo for last because I’ve been playing around with some vintage photo filters and picture frames.
Love the ear photo!
So much fun…definitely want to make the trek up with y’all sometime. Love the carousel shot!
Oh, and I should dig out the photo of Uncle Peeder with blue hair posed next to that same rhino statue so that Sienna can see it. Lol.