Rockin’ Out
I took Sienna to a new pediatrician yesterday because I really wasn’t happy with the service of the current doctor regarding Sienna’s cough. According to the new ped. Sienna was missing some immunization shots that she should have by her 18th month! Ugh. And this doctor also wanted to give her a blood test for lead. Apparently, that is the standard when following the American Association of Pediatrics. He gave me 2 prescriptions regarding her cough and wanted her to get a chest x-ray. UGH! At least he was concerned that she still had this cough. I didn’t do the x-ray yet because we were there longer than I had expected and didn’t want to torture her anymore. We are going back Friday. Wish me luck! It sounds tramatic to me!
I only gave Sienna one of the medications. The other one might make her heart race and make her hyper. Don’t need that! She slept well last night! No coughing during the night! Woohooo!! She has also been in a pretty good mood today. Giving me unsolicited kisses! And this morning I caught her with yves’ headphones (which she is not supposed to take off of his desk!)
And then when I tried to get them back from her, she makes a dash!
I guess she wanted gorilla to hear something!
BTW, these were footsie pajamas that Sienna is wearing but I guess she has big feet because they were starting to get tight. I actually carefully ripped out the stitches in the foot and was thinking of a clever and crafty way to extend it since the rest of the pjs fit fine. Then Yves says to just cut them off! Well, now we know this is what happens when you just cut off the foot of footsie pajamas. And this is what I get for listening to him! HA!
I think they should make footsie pajamas for adults. With the non-skid rubber on the bottom!
Better news for Sienna but not so great for Mr. Skips. He has always had this awful habit of eating garbage when he goes for a walk. Poor thing. Not only do you have Sienna’s medication to administer but now Skippy has some too..Hope he’ll feel better soon and that Sienna’s test results will be good..
Love the shots of the Sienna and Daddy forbidden headphones.. SO CUTE