Progress and Hope
I title this post progress and hope for 2 reasons. The first is most obvious. I was elated to hear that the candidate I voted for won! I am part of history! Go Obama!! YAY! I’d be jumping up for joy if I wasn’t so tired. More on that in a bit. The 2nd reason is because Sienna seems to be her usual happy fun loving self! WOOHOO! This morning me and Yves went to run errands separately. He took Sienna and no tears were shed whatsoever! Yay!!! I want to truly believe that the fact that she was up all night was just a fluke! Yesterday was the first day I did not give her the medicine for her cough/congestion. She still had a bit of a cough, mostly when she is sleeping but did not sound mucusy. Yesterday when she woke from her nap, she was coughing for a good half hour non stop. She was coughing when she woke up but was able to eat her yogurt snack. After snack, she kept coughing and ended up throwing up all the yogurt. Sigh. I had the doctor paged and he called about 2 hours later. He says not to give her any medicine and to wait it out. Ok. Big Sigh. I guess the medicine helped her sleep because she was coughing all night and crying probably because she kept coughing and couldn’t sleep. I went in there and consoled her and changed her diaper and read her good night moon and put her down. 2 seconds later, she’s crying. Yves goes in and tries to console her to no avail. Finally Yves gets up to watch the election coverage and ends up taking her out with him. She’s totally fine in the living room, coughing only once. He was prepared to sleep on the floor out there with her. When he asked her if she wanted to go to her bed, she opened her arms to go. She managed to sleep for a couple of hours and we were both hoping she would sleep in. Nope. Up by 6 am, I think. Full of energy. Like nothing happened. Me and Yves are kinda of sluggish but she’s all running around. Sigh.