When it rains, it pours
There has been a lot of things going on the past few days and I have not had a chance to update the blog. I want to make sure I get this down before I forget and hopefully make a more detailed post when things calm down a bit.
Saturday we went to dim sum with the gang to Chinatown’s Golden unicorn, our usual place. We ate like pigs because the bill was more than usual. Sienna was with Grandma and Grandpa and they took her to the playground and had their own dim sum in the neighborhood. Sunday we took Sienna to the Prospect Park Zoo in lieu of going apple picking. We are not ready to invest the 1.5 hour drive to upstate. It was cold and windy but we buttoned up Sienna and she seemed to really have a good time.
Monday Sienna spent some time with grandma and grandpa again so I could get some work done. I got a typing job from Alison, I’m tying up the final details for Carrie’s Save the Date card and the freelance brochure design from Nice Spots is back! There was a little bit of an episode on Monday when my dad brought her upstairs to change her diaper. Once Sienna saw me, she just wanted to be with me and didn’t want to leave. I brought her down for lunch and managed to leave so I can run some errands in the ‘hood. It actually worked out. Whew!
And speaking of episodes, Sienna had another one Sunday night. She had one the previous Sunday night as well but this one seems worse. She would cry out in the night. We try to ignore it and usually she stops and goes back to sleep. She kept crying and stopping then crying and stopping. Last Sunday night I actually almost slept on the floor in her room so I can soothe her everytime she cried out for me. Yves made me realize that was just silly and something I should not get her used to. He’s right and I guess my brain wasn’t functioning at 2:30 in the morning. I figured this was the 18 month regression a month later since she was born a month early. I was dreading the next night but nothing happened again until the following Sunday. (I hope this doesn’t become a Sunday thing!) Yves went in and I went in but she kept crying and then stopping and then crying. Yves compared her to the snooze button on alarm clock. Just when you fall back asleep, it goes off again! It was especially hard for Yves because he had work the next day (last week was Columbus Day).
And now yesterday the plan was for my parents to watch her while I do more work/errands. She had a bit of a runny nose when she woke up and felt a little warm. I gave her tylenol. It was another cold and windy day and with the runny nose, I didn’t think the playground was a good idea. She was a bit cranky when my parents came over and Barney was the only thing that let me leave. I went over to Trader Joes and the craft store for yarn for my projects. My dad called and she definitely had a fever so more tylenol for her. She didn’t take her nap and the only thing that kept her relatively calm was watching TV. I spent the whole afternoon watching Sesame Street with her. Whenever I tried to shut it off and get her to play with her toys a little bit, I get whining and crying. I figured she’s sick and gave her special TV time because of it. She threw up a little bit after eating a little lunch and wasn’t interested in food after that. We put her to bed at 6!! There was a few cryings but for the most part, the night went fine. I hope she is better today!