Game day BBQ!


Sunday Pete, Nate and Mari came over for game day and a BBQ. We kept it simple with just burgers and I made potato salad and pasta salad and for dessert, banana bread and blueberry crumble (all that morning since I was lazy from Coney Island on Saturday!) Yves claims he is ready to expand his repertoire so next time we’ll have to do something other than (or in addition to) burgers. Pete also brought over Two Bite Brownies from Whole Foods and made deviled eggs (YUM!) and Nate and Mari brought watermelon! Ok so besides the food, we had a variety of games to choose from that Pete and N/M brought over. After Sienna went down for her nap, we decided to try Grass since they did not have an opportunity to play that one yet. The instructions were a bit long but once we started playing, we were getting the hang of it and it was quite fun! After a practice run, we got to play one game before Sienna woke up. We moved inside so we can keep an easier eye on her shenanigans while still playing games. Inside we played Pit. Oh, my gosh, WHAT FUN!! I look forward to playing that game again!

I love how Sienna is looking up at Pete!
Sienna checking out the neighbors!
Making sure Yves isn’t burning down the garage!
Lots of games to choose from!
Nate playing with Sienna.
Sienna sharing her toys with Pete.
Pit! Such a fun game!
Sienna wants to play games too!


  1. jungy
    June 30th, 2008 | 7:37 pm

    TRADE 2! TRADE 2!
    TRADE 4! TRADE 4!
    ONE! ONE! ONE!

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