Ghetto BBQ 1
Pete came over on Sunday to help us do a test run of the first ghetto BBQ pool party sans pool. We weren’t sure how well it would be since there isn’t any grass (hence the ‘ghetto’ term) but we got a nice shade umbrella and 2 fold up chairs with canopies. It’s been awhile since we had a BBQ but I think it turned out well! We kept it simple and just grilled hamburgers and I made potato salad and blueberry crumble! The potato salad required bacon and apples so I was a little leary of that combo but it was delicious! The blueberry crumble was actually a blackberry crumble recipe from Everyday Food but I didn’t have blackberries. It was so good I made it again later that week.
Waiting for Pete!
Checking out our canopy chair.
The Master at work.
The “enough with the pictures and gimme more food” face!
Pete also brought his Wii with him.
I would say the first ghetto BBQ of the summer was a success and it was a great day!
Everything was so good! Thanks again for the fun day.
So when’s the next one? ; )