Changing Table from Lisa on Vimeo.
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Sienna showing off the Nike booties she got from Aunt Natalie in Washington.
On New Year’s Eve, we went out to lunch to the kosher deli in our hood (Jay and something) and took Sienna’s booster seat so she can sit at the table with us. This is the second time she sat at the table with us at an outside restaurant but the first time using our own booster seat. She cried every time the waitress came over. The waitress was beginning to get a complex but then Sienna also cried when the bus man came over. By the end of the meal, she did not cry when the bus man came over to clear the table. The waitress was too nervous to come over. LOL. We have gone to lunch with her 2 times since then but those times she stayed in her stroller and seemed perfectly happy. And no crying at anyone but then again no one really approached her. So I don’t know if she would have cried if someone approached her in her stroller at the restaurant. She doesn’t cry when people coo at her when we’re walking in the streets. So, uh, yeah, I don’t really have any conclusions about her crying at strangers. HA!