Happy, Happy!

Happy 2008 everyone! We didn’t do any crazy celebrating, hell, we weren’t even awake when the ball dropped! I don’t mind really but I am looking forward to the time when Sienna is old enough to understand about New Year’s and have someone actually be excited about it! HA! I took this picture of Sienna yesterday and it just cracks me and Yves up!

Get this bow outta my hair!

The bow is from her cousins and I quickly put it on her just to see how she would look in it. She didn’t really like it but ‘posed’ for me while I took the picture. I really think she knows about the camera as a second before this shot, she was fussing with it!

This chair is also from her cousins and of course, she gives it a bite! She’s wearing a dress from her other cousin, Gaby.

Fun with Daddy

Fun playtime with Daddy. They are both back to their usual happy, playful self. It was nice having Yves home for 2+ weeks! It’s back to work for him today!

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