Viva La Domestic Diva!


In the quest to keep our dining room table as clutter free as possible, I made this “chair backpack.” Well, I actually made the tote part a few months ago while testing out making a tote bag from t-shirts and then abandoned the project when I didn’t know what to do about straps. I had cut up the first t-shirt too much and couldn’t use the scraps for a strap and even tho I cut the 2nd shirt better, I felt it needed double fabric in order to hold the bag well. Plus I didn’t exactly plan it out because the bag is kinda long. Then I came up with this idea in the middle of the night and decided to use the fabric ribbons that Theresa gave me from all her wedding gift packages from Pottery Barn. It really is such a nice ribbon. Anyway, I’m quite proud of this idea!


I also just started getting into crocheting Amigurumi animals and got this snowman ornament pattern here. I obviously messed it up somehow realizing it was kind of big for an ornament and Tammy pointed out from the instructions that the total height was supposed to be 4.5 inches. So it’s off by a few inches…You can’t win them all! I am in the process of making a baby snowperson and used a smaller hook so I’ll show the whole family when I’m done.

Then I wanted to make treats for the holiday mixer last week and I didn’t have the energy to make a ton of different cookies like last year so I found these real easy and simple pretzel treats.

Setting out the pretzels.

Loading the kisses on top. I think these might have been the caramel kisses.

I think the most time consuming thing was unwrapping all the kisses.

The finished product!

I made plain kisses with plain M&M’s and caramel kisses with plain M&M’s. The leftovers were given to the bowling people at the bar last week and Brenda also took some home. I’ll be making more tho unless I end up eating all the kisses and M&M’s.


  1. Auntie Liz
    December 12th, 2007 | 5:47 pm

    Hey … very cute idea for the T-shirt tote bags can I get a copy of the instructions? Geeeez those pretzils and caramel kisses look yum!!! They would not last very long in our house!!!

  2. Jungy
    December 13th, 2007 | 11:32 pm

    Looks yummy! I still want to make chocolate covered pretzels with you sometime…

  3. Brenda
    December 14th, 2007 | 2:14 am

    My coworkers LOVED the chocolate pretzels! Thanks again for the leftovers!

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