Sleep! Who needs it?


Last night Sienna did something that she hasn’t done in months. She woke up in the middle of the night! Ok, I guess I should rephrase that because sometimes I do hear her wake up throughout the night but she usually goes back to sleep on her own. And she’s been pretty much sleeping through the night since about May. But last night she would not go back to sleep and kept crying and crying. At first, we let her be, thinking she would go back to sleep on her own. 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes…I went in to console her, she quieted down. Maybe 10 minutes later she was crying again. This went on from 11 pm to about 1:30 am. I gave her a paci, then a cold teething toy, then some baby orajel on her gums…it did not work. For some reason, I did not think she was hungry but at 1:30 decided to make a bottle of formula, only 4 oz because I didn’t think it would do anything but at that time, I was desperate. Well, what do you know? It worked! She chugged away on it, drank the whole thing and fell asleep in my arms. After about 5-10 minutes, I transfered her to her crib and didn’t hear from her until morning. I’m so glad Yves was home from work because he did the morning feeding while I tried to sleep some more. It was so long since she’s done this that it threw us for a loop and we didn’t know what to do. I just hope it doesn’t become a regular thing! But if it happens again, I’m making that bottle first thing!


  1. Jungy
    November 5th, 2007 | 4:08 pm

    Wow, you got Daddy’s attention away from the game long enough to take a picture!

    (I know-he probably paused it. ; )

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