Renting It
I’ve been wanting to add this new category to the blog to help us remember the movies and games we rent from Netflix and Gamefly. There were a couple of times where we couldn’t remember if we seen the movie or we remember but don’t remember if it was any good (which most likely means it wasn’t that good but then this category would be moot!) Future entries won’t be so long!
So here is the latest:
Into the Wild: It already had 2 strikes against it for Yves even before we put it in the player. 1. It was directed by Sean Pean and 2. it was 2.5 hours long! I don’t tend to like movies that long either but I was interested in the story. It’s about a guy who gets rid of all his possessions to trek across the states and get to Alaska and live off the land there. The beginning was interesting because of all the people he met along the way. Once he got to Alaska, it was a little aggravating because honestly, he was more interesting when he was interacting with people vs. himself. Eddie Vedder scored the music for the movie (the 3rd strike for Yves). I don’t want to spoil the ending but we were both disappointed in it and Yves complained that he wasted 2.5 hours of his life on it. Hey, he didn’t fall asleep on it!
 The Assasination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford: Another long movie, a little over 2.5 hours! Yves didn’t last through this one and fell asleep before the midpoint. He’s not keen on period pieces. I don’t know much about Jesse James and it was a slow movie but I kinda wanted to see it to the end. I had an hour left before I got tired and decided to finish it the next night. I never did. So if anybody made it through and could tell me how he got killed, that would be nice.
Tropic Thunder: I was excited to get this movie after seeing the hilarious trailer (especially Robert Downey Jr.) The movie wasn’t rolling with laughs like I thought it would be (or lead to believe from the trailer) but it was entertaining. RDJ makes it worth it alone!
300: Another period piece and I don’t know why I put this on the queue. The graphics were really crisp but we weren’t into the story. It didn’t make it past the 10 minute point.
Atonement:Â I purposely put this on the queue to receive it when Yves was away at the end of October. I knew this was something he would not like. Honestly, I wasn’t sure if I was in the mood for it at the time because that was when Sienna was sick and then I got sick and I was in a bad state of mind. I’m glad I watched it though. I loved it! I admit I’m a fan of Keira Knightly after seeing her in Pride and Prejudice (another favorite! And the same director too) and James McAvoy after seeing him in The Last King of Scotland (another excellent movie!)
Talk to Me: A slow movie but entertaining. Don Cheadle is a really good actor!
Michael Clayton: Couldn’t get into it. Made it to 20 minutes, I think, before we shut it off.
Some games:
Bust a Move Bash for the Wii: one of our favorite games from our Dreamcast days. As fun as it was in the past but our old tired eyes can’t play it as long as before!
Space Invaders Extreme for the DS: Oh, this was just terrible! Graphics constantly moving in the background while you are trying to shoot the invaders. What happened to the plain ole space background? I guess that was the ‘extreme’ part. I hated it!
The World Ends With You for the DS: I don’t know why I put this one on the list, I’m not really into RPG. Barely made it past the intro screen as I didn’t want to waste my time.
Top Spin 3 for Wii: We were excited for this game since we love the tennis game that came with the Wii. I didn’t even bother trying it. Yves said it was complicated because you also had to use the nunchucks.
Boom Blox for Wii: This was a fun game and such a simple concept! We really enjoyed this one and kept it for quite a bit!